Ketogenic Diet Recipes
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Keto diet is a very popular type of low-carb diet that emphasizes fat as the primary fuel source. The ketogenic (aka ketone) diet is meant to achieve a state metabolic state which forces the body to use fatty acids as its primary fuel instead of carbs. When there are high levels of circulating ketone bodies, it becomes more difficult for insulin to function in the body. That causes fat burning and weight loss which can be beneficial for many who struggle with their weight and health. When a person starts keto, there are some common side effects that they may experience. Some of the most common include: Fluid and electrolyte imbalances Dizziness Headache Nervousness Fatigue Lethargy Hair loss Seizures (rare) Dizziness, weakness or lightheadedness Sweating or nausea at night Hunger (common) Constipation Diarrhea These can be temporary issues and usually resolve over time If you are going to start this diet, make sure you do your research so that you understand the details involved. This is not intended to replace guidance from your doctor or personal healthcare professional. If you think that a ketogenic diet could help you change your life, then you can start it whenever you want. The Keto diet is particularly popular among people who want to lose weight. It promises quick weight loss without the need to work out. Is the Ketogenic Diet for You? This diet is not good for a person who has type 1 diabetes, or someone who is pregnant or breastfeeding. A ketogenic diet may also not be suitable for someone with an eating disorder. If you have a history of chronic disease, then it's important to consult with your doctor before starting this diet. Nutrition and Ketosis This diet is a very high fat low carb diet. This means that up to 90% of your caloric intake will come from fat along with protein. The rest of your calories will come from carbs and most of these will be coming from good fats like the ones you'll find in olive oil, avocados, nuts and fatty fish. Because...
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Daten vom 9.1.2025
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