The Silver Spoon: Recipes For Babies
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The complete guide to feeding your baby or toddler, giving them a lifelong love of good food - the Italian way! From their very first morsels, Italian infants are encouraged to explore the tastes and textures of real food - the goal being to help them develop a love of fresh ingredients and healthy eating. The Silver Spoon: Recipes for Babies is the perfect introduction to this national tradition, covering the period of a child's development from six months to two years, with recipes designed to introduce a child to a wide range of foods along with advice for stress-free weaning. Its 50 authentic Italian recipes, from nutritious purees to a child's first carbonara, couscous and pizza, have been double-tested in a home kitchen and are accompanied by expert tips, making this the perfect manual for all parents.
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Daten vom 9.1.2025
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