Systemische Therapie In Aktion
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The psychologist Jan Bleckwedel demonstrates how therapists and clients can become active creative partners. He introduces a broad spectrum of systemic action tools and psychodynamic techniques. Numerous case examples show how creative therapeutic processes can best be established with families and couples. A navigation system spanning many different methdological approaches provides the reader with orientation. Many other overviews, lists, and graphs make this book a valuable reference work that encourages both action and reflection.In the theoretical section, the author explains the intensive effect of action methods as part of the concepts and conceptions that play a large role in modern research on newborns, emotions and neurobiology. The complex interaction between emotion, interaction, constellation, field and environment is described in clear and understandable terms. The employment of action methods thus becomes part of the larger context of a multimodal, multidimensional and development-oriented approach.The ideas and concepts contained in this volume were developed over many years of practice and teaching against the background of the various traditions of family therapy and systemic therapy and are open to all therapeutic currents.
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Daten vom 16.1.2025
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