Spiritual Exercises For Freemasons
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Who decides the fate of the world? Where do the powerful gain their power? Who protects them, who supports them and who gives them energy? Why are some people always successful while others try and try but never progress? Are the reasons just and fair? The answer is: yes. There are in fact mechanisms of power that are unbiased and follow spiritual laws. If you know these laws, you can use the powers operating behind them to your advantage. For millennia initiates, orders and lodges have maintained this knowledge and passed it on to suitable people. But the public has until now only heard conspiracy theories and rumours about the freemasons, with not truth to them at all. The true secret of freemasonry is purposeful training of the spirit and the magic and mysticism contained in ritual and the correct use of its symbols. But the key to the secrets of mysticism and magic is not only to be found in freemasonry, Christian orders possess the key, too. It is well known that the Catholic church, which officially condemns any form of magic, also maintains its own magical exercises and practices. The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola are nothing other than the secret training of spirit and soul that the tradition of magic and mysticism also teaches. But the time of secrets is over. Thanks to ‘SPIRITUAL EXERCISES FOR FREEMASONS’ any reader can now awaken and use the power of the spirit within them. This book for the first time gives an insight into these hidden sides of the communities within lodges and orders. • Spiritual exercises for freemasons. • Ritual magic in masonic temples. • The secret power of Christian mysticism. • The magical teaching of the Jesuits. • The cybernetics of consciousness. • The mystery of the four elements. • How to master yourself and others. • Working with the spirit: 60 practical experiences with magic. What has until now only been available to privileged members of lodges and orders can now be reproduced by anyone.
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Daten vom 2.1.2025
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