Schizophrenien: Wissen – Verstehen – Handeln
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Modern research and treatment of schizophrenias is based primarily on knowledge and perceptions that have been gained externally. The patient is above all an object' to be treated, whose inner world remains hidden. The treatment method known from the psychoanalytic psychotherapy of psychoses and its special approach to relationships, on the other hand, allows for two levels of reality, where contradictions can coexist. Only when information and understanding gathered together from both levels have led to sustainable compliance and adherence in the treatment plan can further thought be invested in deliberate, acceptable and constructive actions. But making such knowledge and understanding from the two worlds accessible to both researchers and therapists demands new models. In this volume Josi Rom suggests such a model and shows as well that building bridges is an essential element in the treatment of schizophrenias. The same, of course, is true for solutions to any number of problems in modern society, economy and politics.'
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Daten vom 16.1.2025
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