Robotic Surgery
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Robotic surgery is quickly gaining widespread acceptance in the ORL community as a tool to improve effectiveness of surgery and reduce complications. However, this technology is still relatively young. As such, hospitals are confronted with the daunting task of recommending large investment in equipment without a clear understanding of its applications, usage, or evidence base. This special issue of ORL is a welcome guide to surgical teams tasked with setting up or enhancing a robotic surgery theater. Experts in the field give a clear unbiased assessment of the tools currently available to surgeons and present views of how technologies such as augmented reality will impact surgical practice in the future. The publication provides a clear overview of the rationale, techniques, and evidence of this technology. The main indications for such procedures are covered not just at a US or European level (e.g. transoral robotic surgery) but worldwide (e.g. para- and thyroidectomy). This publication is a must-read for practitioners of head & neck surgery, plastic reconstructive surgery, sleep surgery, and endocrine surgery, as well as for anesthetists.
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Daten vom 2.1.2025
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