Psychodynamische Psychotherapie Bei Kindern Und Jugendlichen
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Zusammenfassung: 'Depth psychology-based psychotherapy' is a form of treatment based on psychoanalysis and a therapeutic procedure that is often applied in children and young adults. As a systematic textbook on this form of treatment in paediatric and adolescent psychotherapy, the book closes a gap in the book market. It is presented in the form of systematic notes for use both during training in psychoanalytic and depth-psychology teaching institutes and also in everyday clinical practice. In addition to the scientific foundations, special emphasis is given to practical application in therapeutic reality and in practical care, as well as in institutional contexts (e.g., advisory centres). The structure of the presentation is therefore oriented towards the course of treatment, which is illustrated with numerous practical examples.Bio: Arne Burchartz ist Kinder- und Jugendlichen-Psychotherapeut mit eigener Praxis, Dozent und Supervisor an mehreren Ausbildungsinstituten sowie Autor und Mitherausgeber zahlreicher Fachpublikationen.Produkttyp: SoftcoverTitel: Psychodynamische Psychotherapie bei Kindern und JugendlichenAutor/in: Burchartz, ArneVerlag: Kohlhammer W.ISBN: 3170389505Seiten: 309Sprache: DeutschErscheinungstermin: 06.10.2021Kategorie: HC/Sonderpädagogik, BehindertenpädagogikMaße: 231x154x18Gewicht: 466
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