Mp Mens Lifestyle 2 In 1 Walking Trouser Shorts Black Xl
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The MP Men's Lifestyle 2 in 1 Walking Trouser / Shorts are designed to adapt to your outdoor adventures. These versatile trousers feature a shower-resistant fabric, ensuring you stay comfortable even when the weather takes a turn. The removable trouser leg, attached by a zip, allows for quick conversion from trousers to shorts, offering flexibility for changing conditions. Functionality is at the forefront with zipped pockets that securely store your valuables, and belt loop detailing for added convenience. The front popper and zip provide a secure closure, while the elasticated waistband ensures consistent comfort during movement. Additionally, the internal elasticated bungee with a toggle adjuster allows for a customisable fit, giving you the confidence to tackle any trail. Elevate your outdoor gear with the MP Men's Lifestyle 2 in 1 Walking Trouser / Shorts.
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