Lend Me Your Ear And I’ll Give You My Heart
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Keep at it. That’s the plea of this book.A relationship does not end when a crisis arises. On the contrary: each couple contains within itself all the qualities to live and love happily and passionately. Still, many separate or live side by side in frustration.In this book, Sabine and Roland Bösel present their longstanding experience as Imago therapists. They show a path along which each couple has the chance to develop: a conscious, attentive, appreciative communication facilitating mutual understanding as well as getting to know oneself and the other more intimately.Being not only couples therapists but also a couple, the authors present many stimuli with regard to forming a relationship and developing its durability. What makes up a relationship is comprehensively presented based on extensive knowledge, complete with examples, exercises and tips. All the while, Sabine and Roland Bösel draw on the rollercoasterride of their own relationship: affairs, separation, sexual frustration. A book taken from life - for love.
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Daten vom 23.1.2025
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