Innovative Implantation Technique
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This book provides a complete overview of the bag-in-the-lens implantation technique written by the pioneering force herself. The technique first developed for the adults and later for paediatrics has had overwhelmingly positive outcomes in reduction of posterior capsular opacification and stability. Nowadays, it is used as a primary approach in all patients with cataract. The initial version of the bag-in-the-lens implant is a monofocal spherical hydrophilic intraocular lens comprised of a 5mm bi-convex optic with two elliptical plane haptics. Bag-in-the-Lens Cataract Surgery guides through the steps required to achieve successful implantation in a concise and highly illustrated format to portray how to effectively perform this surgery. The toric version was launched in 2009 and the diffractive version is on its way.New and experienced ophthalmic surgeons will find this guide to be an indispensable resource for utilizing this technique to successfully treat adult and paediatric cataract patients in their daily clinical practice.
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Daten vom 9.1.2025
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