Ikarus Invites The World`s Best Chefs: Roebuck With Beet And Chocolate
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Is there a place on earth, where the cuisines of the world celebrate a unique culinary festival? Each and every month poses a new challenge when the Ikarus guest chefs arrive in Salzburg with their special ingredients and conjure their amazing creations onto the plates. Chefs from France, Spain, Great Britain, Netherlands, Belgium, Scandinavia, USA, South America, Africa, Asia and every other corner of the world - the best, the most exciting, the most creative, the wildest and the doyens of the entire culinary universe. The Ikarus with its patron, Eckart Witzigmann and Executive Chef, Martin Klein is much more than a restaurant with changing chefs and menus, but rather an epicenter of taste, of the culinary arts and an inspiration to all the senses.
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Daten vom 16.1.2025
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