Hand And Wrist Anatomy And Biomechanics
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There is a saying that 'hand surgery without a tourniquet is like repairing a clock in a barrel full of dark ink.' Operating without a sound fundamental knowledge of anatomy can be compared to 'stirring around in the soup.' Classic anatomy instruction covers only a fraction of the area of hand surgery: bones, muscles/ligaments, vessels, and nerves. The many different connective-tissue structures are often only briefly highlighted. The complex interaction of the various structures remains a mystery to most. This book presents the specialty of applied anatomy and is intended for medical professionals involved with the hand and its functionality: hand surgeons, trauma specialists, orthopaedists, plastic surgeons, occupational therapists, and physio-therapists. Key Features: Almost 150 illustrations, anatomical drawings, and photos of anatomy in vivo. Part 1 deals with the anatomy and functional anatomy of the hand Part 2 is dedicated to the surface anatomy of the structures of the forearm, wrist, and hand
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Daten vom 16.1.2025
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