Finger Food & More
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Whether it is for an informal gathering with friends or for a gala reception, buffets are now dominated by fresh, light finger food or by the latest trend: bowl food - delicious morsels served in small bowls. For those who wish to impress their guests with international top-of-the-range cuisine, Finger Food & More provides an indispensible guide and a treasure trove of ideas. In Finger Food & More, Martina Lessing, Vienna-born shooting star of the London catering scene, dazzles her readers with an array of her best recipes: Austrian, Italian, Mediterranean and Asian specialties with which she delights her clients in the elegant London suburb of Richmond upon Thames. The book selects from the best auf the grand Austrian cookingh tradition, fusion cuisine and the new British focus on the essentials of great cooking in the style of Jamie Oliver. All recipes are suitable both for beginners and for experienced home cooks.
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Daten vom 16.1.2025
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