Die Kunst Der Familienaufstellung
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Zusammenfassung: Family constellations are among today=s most intensive and effective therapy methods. Even severe, persistent disorders can be cured quickly and lastingly. This book is the first systematic, comprehensive presentation of this original therapeutic approach in theory and practice, from preparation and diagnosis to the implementation of constellations and serious workshops. On the basis of 25 years= experience as a therapist and teaching therapist, the author develops an empirical, creative approach, clearly distinguished from unscientific currents and dangerous simplifications. He illustrates the theory, presented in detail, with numerous practical examples, touching short case histories and apt cartoons. The book is valuable for practising and experienced therapists as well as for beginners, training candidates and students. It is a comprehensible, lively introduction to the fascinating world of family dynamics.Bio: Dipl.-Psych. Andreas Steiner ist Psychotherapeut in eigener Praxis sowie Lehrtherapeut am INeKO-Institut an der Universität zu Köln.Produkttyp: SoftcoverTitel: Die Kunst der FamilienaufstellungAutor/in: Steiner, AndreasVerlag: Kohlhammer W.ISBN: 3170358219Seiten: 398Sprache: DeutschErscheinungstermin: 202001Kategorie: HC/Psychologie/Psychologische RatgeberMaße: 169x238x19Gewicht: 758
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