Color Atlas Of Human Anatomy
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Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, Volume 2: Internal OrgansFor over 45 years, the three-volume Color Atlas of Human Anatomy has provided readers with a compact review of the human body and its structures. It is ideal for studying, preparing for exams, and as a reference.The new, 7th edition of Volume 2: Internal Organs builds on a robust foundation of scientific knowledge, summarizing in its compactness the macroscopic and topographic anatomy and the functions of the internal organs.Key highlights:Proven concept of concise texts paired with more than 200 color plates of outstanding anatomical illustrationsMicroscopic anatomy—if necessary for understanding the respective organOrgan functions are explained in connection with the embryological development of the organs, so many anatomical relationships can be better understoodFor numerous cross-sectional anatomical illustrations, corresponding CT and MRI images are provided, which helps with the application of anatomical knowledge in clinical practiceVolume 2: Internal Organs is accompanied by Volume 1: Locomotor System (ISBN 978-3-13-242443-3) and Volume 3: Nervous System and Sensory Organs (ISBN 978-3-13-242451-7).
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Daten vom 16.1.2025
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