Clinical Handbook Of Cardiac Electrophysiology
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This extensively revised second edition provides a practically applicable guide for the management of cardiac arrhythmia. This subject has continued to expand rapidly, and it is therefore critical to understand the basic principles of arrhythmia mechanisms in order to assist with diagnosis and the selection of an appropriate treatment strategy. Comprehensively revised chapters cover a variety of aspects of cardiac electrophysiology in an easy-to-digest case-based format. For each case of arrhythmia, relevant illustrations, fluoroscopy images, ECGs and endocavity electrograms are used to describe the etiology, classification, clinical presentation, mechanisms, electrophysiology set up and relevant trouble-shooting procedures. New topics covered include the application of new antiarrhythmic drugs in tandem with ablation, techniques for the ablation of atrial fibrillation and electrophysiological assessments available for identifying instances of atrial tachycardia. Clinical Handbook of Cardiac Electrophysiology presents a comprehensive overview of cardiac electrophysiology, making it a valuable reference for practicing and trainee cardiac electrophysiologists, cardiologists, family practitioners, allied professionals and nurses.
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Daten vom 16.1.2025
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