Biomaterials In Tissue Engineering And Regenerative Medicine
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This book comprehensively explores the basic concepts and applications of biomaterials in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. The book is divided into four sections; the first section deals with the basic concepts and different types of biomaterials used in tissue engineering. The second section discusses the functional requirements and types of materials that are used in developing state-of-the-art of scaffolds for tissue engineering applications. The third section presents the applications of biomaterials for hard and soft tissue engineering, as well as for specialized tissue engineering. The last section addresses the future prospects of nanobiomaterials, intelligent biomaterials, and 3D bioprinting biomaterials in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. It also discusses various in vitro disease models for tissue bioengineering and regenerative medicine. As such, it offers a valuable resource for students, researchers, scientists, entrepreneurs, and medical/healthcare professionals.
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Daten vom 30.1.2025
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