
An Evidence Based Approach To Vitamins And Minerals

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Zusammenfassung: Organized by nutrient, this evidence-based reference synthesizes all of the most current research on vitamins and minerals in an easy-to-use format. Each chapter addresses the function the nutrient plays in the human body; current definitions of deficiency, including Recommended Dietary Allowance (Rda) or Adequate Intake (Ai) recommendations; the use of the nutrient for prevention or treatment of a disease, if known; dietary and other sources of the nutrient, including food and supplement sources (breaking down the different supplement forms); safety precautions for overdosing and drug interactions; and the Linus Pauling Institute's current recommendation for health maintenance. Each chapter has been reviewed by an expert in the area, all of whom are noted in the Editorial Advisory Board. This work is endorsed by the Linus Pauling Institute of Oregon State University. Appendices add to the clinical usefulness of this work: a quick reference to disease prevention and treatment recommendations made throughout the text, nutrient - nutrient interactions, drug - nutrient interactions, a glossary, and the Linus Pauling Institute Prescription for Health. The book also contains a measures conversion table. Bio: Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA Produkttyp: Hardcover Titel: An Evidence-Based Approach to Vitamins and Minerals Autor/in: Higdon, Jane Verlag: Georg Thieme Verlag Isbn: 313132452X Seiten: 272 Sprache: Deutsch Erscheinungstermin: 07.09.2011 Kategorie: HC/Allgemeinmedizin/Diagnostik/Therapie Maße: 246x174x26 Gewicht: 869