Alert • Adverse Late Effects Of Cancer Treatment
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The literature on the late effects of cancer treatment is widely scattered in different journals since all major organ systems are affected and management is based on a variety of medical and surgical treatments. The aim of 'ALERT – Adverse Late Effects of Cancer Treatment' is to offer a coherent multidisciplinary approach to the care of cancer survivors. Volume 2 of this two-volume work comprehensively documents potential late effects in all the normal tissue anatomic sites in the human body. The detection, diagnosis, management and prevention of effects are all considered in detail, and prognostic outcomes are discussed. Radiation risk factors and interactions with chemotherapy effects are clearly presented. The text is accompanied by numerous supportive illustrations and tables. It is anticipated that this textbook will become the gold standard in providing information on the late effects of cancer treatment and that, in its digitized form, it will be referenced in cancer survivorship guidelines.
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Daten vom 16.1.2025
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